We welcome donations. For bank payment details, please use the contact us form and we will provide you with the details.
Membership Fees
We ask for a fee of £10 a year to contribute to the running of the group. This fee gives you voting and decision-making rights. Without membership you are still welcome as a guest.
The Make-up of Our Group
Everyone who has been in contact with the group in any way, whether it is through the website, email, social media, or meetings, will be considered a “Contact” and can freely continue to use all of these. They will also receive, by email, regular newsletters during the course of the year.
Membership of the group takes your involvement to another level. Becoming a “Member” indicates a willingness to make a small contribution towards the significant cost of running the group and will allow you to be involved in decision-making and voting on group matters.
For new members, there are reduced amounts to pay during the first year of membership, with “the group’s year” corresponding to the tax year. This staggered arrangement works as follows..
Join April, May or June…….. pay £10.00
Join July, August or Sept…… pay £7.50
Join Oct., Nov. or Dec……… pay £5.00
Join Jan., Feb. or March……. pay £2.50
Then, as the new group year begins, if you wish to continue with your membership for at least one more year you will pay £10.00.
Please use the contact form or email us for Bank Payment details.