We are a small team of people diagnosed with or caring for those with Long Term Conditions such as M.E./CFS, Polyneuropathy, Pots and Lyme, with a wide range of skills and experience of running support groups. We love what we do, and we do it with passion. We look forward to working with you.
Chris Spencer
Chris was diagnosed with M.E. in 1999 after 6 months of quite severe post-viral fatigue. Since then, he has experienced a fairly complex pattern of improvements and set-backs, so typical of the illness.”

Chairman and CIC Director and Guarantor
Tanya Kyle-Kitchin
Tanya was formally diagnosed with ME/CFS in 2018. However it has been traced back to the age of 8, after contracting Mumps. With evidence showing on her medical records as never fully recovering.

Treasurer and Social Media and CIC Company Director and Guarantor
Julie Robinson
Note Taker (minutes) and CIC Company Director
David Whetstone
Website Designer and CIC Company Director
Jacquline Berry
Microsoft Teams Co-Ordinator
Gillian Swan

Honorary Member and pastĀ TreasurerĀ and Secretary for over two decades. For more about Gillian, click here.
Roles Available are:
Management / Administration / Operations.
Personnel and Human Resource.
Marketing, Communications and Campaigning.
Volunteer Management.
Policy Development and Research.
Grants Officers/Advisers.
Please use the contact tab to register your interest.