

In May 2021 Tanya attended the Fatigue Conferance and reported back:

I did not have the strength to watch all of the seminar as each video was around 45 minutes or less and there were 6 a day for 7 days.

Day one was on how the gut affects CFS.  Inflammation in the gut has a huge impact on symptoms of CFS throughout the body not just in the gut area.

Different diets work for different people, e.g. lots of vegetables is not a good idea for some people but perfect for others.

Improving your gut will improve autoimmunity.

Book of the day:  Healthy Gut, Healthy You by Dr Rusio.

Tip of the day.  Take 3 different probiotics together a day.

 Day two was on Epigenetics and DNA Methylation.

I watched the 1st video and it went way over my head, but basically:

-Not burning the candle at both ends
-hormone balance
-imbalances in our DNA
-vitamin Deficiency
-meditation balance (not over meditiating)
-sleep balance
– nutrients balance
-enviromrntal influence
-heireditory (genes)

Tip: Try to avoid supplements and manage these through our diet and life style.

Book: Methylation Diet and Lifestyle by Dr Kara Fitzgerald

Day Three I managed two talks.

Talk 1

M.E. is a problem with the Middle of the frontal lobe (top of forehead) it is a plum size area.

There is a quiz on this website that is all the diagnoses needed.  It’s easy what is hard is coping and working(inc. With others) with it.

CFS is not a diagnoses it is a label for a set of symptoms.  A syndrome rather than a disease.

SHINE – Sleep, hormone and hypotension, infection, nutrition and exercise (as able)

Tip: Everyone with cfs/m.e. should trial thyroid harmones regardless of what the blood tests shows. Start on a low dose and increase slowly Multivitamins high in Magnesium and Zinc.

Book: Fatigue to Fantastic by Dr Jacob Teitelbaum

Talk 2

Dr Sarah Myhill

The fundamentals of fatigue recovery.

Diet and gut (low carb, low sugar, low gluten, low diary)
Thyroid Hormones
Adrenal Hormones

Inflammation and CFS = M.E.

Vitamin D defiency
Western Diets.

Tip: Start with the gut – starve it of carbs then hit it with vitamin C to kill what’s left and keep it healthy.

 Day four, I was too crashed to watch and so listed the titles of the talks
1) Attachment Therory
2) Emotional Stress
3) Cell Danger response to fatigue
4) Vagus Nerve Stimulation to calm nervous system
5) Childhood Trauma
6) Yoga

 Day 5 was on Sleep:

For a good sleep they have videos on:

-The need for vitamins B and D
-Good digestion
-Esssential oils
-Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Day 6

Medical view of M.E./CFS:  It is a psychological illness so no need to look for a cause.  Bye bye have a nice day pop anti-depressants or what ever you want.

The truth: It is a wide variety of physical assaults on the body that has not been embraced by the medical world.  It is a global pandemic of toxicity (bacteria, viruses, infections, pesticides, gases, pollutions, etc).

It is not psychological it is Neurological – the nervous system monitors the environment and if it feels it is not safe it will not let you get better, no matter what supplements or medicines you take.

Another talk was on keeping the immune system in check by producing more thyroid.

Cfs stays suppressed until the immune system gives it an opportunity to raise its ugly head.

Book: Toxic:Heal your body by Dr Neil Nathan. Tip: stay away from Ticks (zoos, farms, birds, wild animals, etc. 

Day seven, I did not watch but it was all about long covid.